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Carbon Dioxide supply chain

Carbon Dioxide > Content 1

A major hallmark and competitive feature that contributes actively to making our supply chain more sustainable relates to the CO2 sold: not extracted from wells, it is entirely derived from carbon capture processes, mainly from biogenic sources (78.7%).


This percentage is one of the highest in Italy and is important – being derived from biogas upgrading and therefore from a short cycle carbon process – for the biogenic CO2 we produce to be considered carbon neutral (for carbon footprint purposes).

A significant advantage and a major source of added value, even when a customer intends to conduct a production LCA. Worthy of note is the production process at the Rosignano site, where the CO2 generated by carbon capture is returned as a raw material to the entity that produced the emissions, in a 100% circular process.



CO2: One molecule by several processes

  • Extraction from wells
  • Extraction and Capture: waste gas from different industries
  • Recovery: by fermentation

Our Plants

Market and Technology Evolution

  • SIAD | Tecno Project Industriale (TPI): from the first plant in the ’80s to more than 600 carbon capture and recovery plants installed today all around the world
  • First CO2 capture plant financed by EU was enginereed by SIAD TPI in Esbjerg Denmark
  • Focused on delivering the highest quality of CO2 for food & beverage grade
  • From Solvents to Membrane
  • From Beverage to Biomethane

Carbon Dioxide_ Group Expertise_title

Unique Group Expertise

The SIAD Group has unique expertise for addressing the CO2 reduction challenge

Carbon Dioxide_ Group Expertise


Eco Virtuos CO2

The CO2 by SIAD is 100% captured or recovered


R&D Gases of life

R&D of new products, methodologies and applications of gases in the medical and food industries.



Analysis instruments and systems, certified reference gaseous materials


Microbiologically tested

SIAD protocol for verifying the microbiological quality of food gases



Capture and recovery CO2 plants, Biogas Upgrading plants, industrial burners, ASU


Aftersales service

TPI4U platform for maintenance and remote assistance

Carbon Dioxide > Content > COOOL

COOOL® FreeToGo, a refrigeration system based on the use of biogenic CO2

Via a control system, the cryogenic gas is evaporated and releases the refrigerants needed to reach the required operating temperatures.

It cools very powerfully and rapidly, at least 10 times more so than a conventional system. This reduces energy consumption when lowering and maintaining the temperature of the load compartment. It is environmentally friendly for its use of no fluorinated gases, replacing them with biogenic CO2 derived from the biomethane upgrade process.

Read more in our article

Contatti_ sostenibilità

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We are committed to promoting sustainable practices and respecting the environment. For more information on our sustainability strategy, write to us: