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NanoMOF Project

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Progetto NanoMOF

In recent years nanotechnology has offered a range of new applications that have entered, rightly, into everyday life. 
SIAD, thanks to the experience and expertise of its Scientific Laboratory, is at the forefront in the study and development of projects aimed at producing major innovations in this sector. In particular, the studies carried out by the Laboratory of Applied Research on MOF (Metal Organic Framework, which are three-dimensional molecular structures) are opening the door to an already existing future, comprised of lower industry costs and increasing safety for the storage of gases.

The project (called NanoMOF for the fact that the MOF relate to nanometric structures) started in 2005 with initial investments by the European Union (EU), which has consistently believed in the application of these molecules.

After the first, encouraging results, the EU stepped up testing on MOF in 2009, launching a major research project which ended in 2013. The Consortium participating in the NanoMOF project consists of seventeen international partners from ten European nations, who are working on three large integrated research projects: the storage of gas, their purification and the catalysis of chemical reactions. 
Participants in this working group represented universities, Research Centres and companies from Germany, Belgium, Spain, Norway, France, Switzerland, Israel, Hungary and Great Britain. Italy participated via the University of Turin and SIAD, which in particular handled the part relating to gas storage.