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November 26, 2018
“Chimica: la scienza che muove il mondo” PREMIO NAZIONALE FEDERCHIMICA GIOVANI 2018-2019
November 26, 2018
OSEA2018, the gateway to Asia’s Oil & Gas industry since 1976
November 20, 2018
SIAD Bulgaria and the successful participation in the construction of TurkStream
November 20, 2018
SIAD invests 15 million for the new research laboratory
November 19, 2018
SIAD Bulgaria meets students at the PMI Day
November 19, 2018
A story made of images: a new Museum set up in Bergamo
November 13, 2018
Workshop Additive Manufacturing: un’occasione per conoscere i casi di successo nell'industria Emiliana
November 07, 2018
ADIPEC 2018: one of the world’s premier events for the oil & gas industry
November 05, 2018
SIAD Romania at DENTA, the Dentistry and dental technologies international exhibition
November 05, 2018
Nave ITALIA a fianco dei ragazzi colpiti dalla tragedia del ponte Morandi
Il brigantino più grande del mondo per una giornata a disposizione dei giovani sfollati